Ozarks Zoos and Animal Parks
Springfield, MO has the only zoo in the area, but there are several tiger refuges and a number of drive through wild animal parks in the region. Butterfly palace and aquarium, too! More detailed information can be found on the regional search pages.
Springfield Zoos and Animal Parks
Dickerson Park Zoo More than 150 species from around the globe. Petting zoo. 1401 W. Norton Rd, Springfield. 417-864-1800.
Wild Animal Safari Drive your own car or take the tour bus. More than 650 animals , pet and feed section. 124 Jungle Road, Strafford. 417- 859-5300
Branson Animal Parks
Butterfly Palace and Rain Forest Adventure Thousands of exotic butterflies, Rainforest Critter Center, theater. 4106 W. Hwy 76, Branson. 417-332-2231
Branson’s Wild World Saltwater bullsharks, big aquarium, reptiles, wolves. Free Jungle Arcade. 2020 W. Hwy 76, Branson. 417-239-0854
National Tiger Sanctuary View the cats from just three feet away; feed them. 518 State Hwy BB, Saddlebrook. 417-587-3633
Lake of the Ozarks Zoo
Funny Farm Petting Zoo Barnyard animals, other friendly critters with comical names. Pony, horse rides, more.19 Copperhead Rd,Eldon Mo 65026
Eureka Springs Animal Parks
Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge Big cats, some other big mammals, smaller wild cats. Self-guided or guided tour of the natural habitats. Don't miss feeding time! 7 miles south of Eureka Springs on Hwy 23.
Promised Land Zoo A drive-through wildlife adventure. Roughly 500 animals, petting zoo. 32297 Hwy 86, Eagle Rock, MO, ten miles north of Eureka Springs. 417-271-3324.
Wild Wilderness Safari Exotic and domestic animals. Drive-through section, petting parks, walk-through areas. 20923 Safari Rd, Gentry. 479-736-8383.
Farmland Adventures
Springdale, AR
The Parsons family farm has converted part of its land to a domesticated animal zoo. Pony rides, petting zoo. Only open Fridays and Saturdays in the fall. 5350 Parsons Rd., Springdale. 479-799-5033.